Interior Fun

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How to Care for Air Plants

Air plants are a type of plant that doesn’t require soil to grow. These fascinating plants get the vast majority of their nutrients and moisture from the air around them. Because they don’t need soil, air...

Tricks in Choosing the Right Colors Using Color Wheel

Whether you’re a professional interior designer or just someone who likes to dabble in decorating your home, understanding how to use a color wheel is a must. A color wheel is a visual representation of colors...

are shikibutons comfortable

Are Shikibutons Comfortable?

If you’re used to sleeping on a softer mattress, it may take some time to get used to sleeping on a shikibuton. However, many people find that the firmness of the mattress helps them to sleep more soundly and wake...

can mice climb into your bed

Can Mice Climb Into Your Bed?

Mice are often associated with dirty and unsanitary conditions, but did you know that they can also be quite pesky? If you’re dealing with a mouse problem in your home, you may be wondering if they can climb into...

do fans keep mosquitoes away

Do Fans Keep Mosquitoes Away?

It’s summertime and the mosquitoes are out in full force. You may have noticed that when you’re at a sporting event or concert where there are a lot of fans blowing, there seem to be fewer mosquitoes than...

does garlic keep mosquitoes away

Does Garlic Keep Mosquitoes Away?

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep mosquitoes at bay, garlic may be your answer. Mosquitoes are attracted to the scent of human skin, but they’re not fans of the smell of garlic. You can repel...

is bamboo flooring waterproof

Is Bamboo Flooring Waterproof?

Bamboo floors are a popular choice for many homeowners because of their water-resistant properties. However, it’s important to note that while bamboo floors are more resistant to water than hardwood floors, they...

are fruit flies and gnats the same thing

Are Fruit Flies and Gnats the Same Thing?

Both fruit flies and gnats are common pests in the home. They are often seen flying around food or near garbage. While they may look similar, there are some key differences between these two insects. Fruit flies are...

do mosquitoes sleep

Do Mosquitoes Sleep?

Its summertime, and along with the warmer weather comes mosquitoes. Lots of mosquitoes. You may have noticed that when sitting outside enjoying the evening breeze, a mosquito will occasionally fly by your ear or land on...

Are Drain Flies Harmful?

Drain flies are small, winged insects that typically measure between 1 and 2 millimeters in length. They are often found near sources of standing water, such as sink drains, pipes, and sewage systems. While drain flies...